
"Acorn Series" Lidded Box - Maple, African Blackwood

"Out of the Deep" - "AcornSeries" Lidded Box

14" Salad Bowl in White Ash

"Asperation Series" Lidded Hollow Form

Wood Turned Lidded Boxes, Wooden Bowls 

and Collectibles

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Welcome to Brad Sears Fine Woodturning - home to beautifully hand made wooden bowls, lidded boxes and other lathe turned craft.  

Here you will find environmentally friendly American craft made from  rescued local and certified renewable resources:
  • Functional wooden bowls made to last for generations, 
  • Artistic lidded boxes and other hand-made art to suit any decor and...
  • "Surprise" works to tickle the fancy.  
All are carefully hand made, signed, dated and fully guaranteed.

Check us out.  You'll like what you see.

Contact Brad

 Copyright © 2010 by Brad Sears Fine Woodturning